Employee Managment
Regardless if your company has just a few employees or tens of thousands, all businesses need to protect themselves with certain legal safeguards. Publishing and providing all employees with an employee handbook, employment contracts, and other standardized legal forms can protect the business owner from inappropriate employee claims and demands
Employee Handbook
This fully developed template and step-by-step instructions allow a business owner or manager to prepare a thorough and concise employee manual. Because the program is comprehensive and simple to use, in most cases the business owner can produce this
document without the expense of an attorney.
Employment Application
Use the information and questions listed on this form to obtain concise and accurate information from potential employees.
Employee Arbitration Agreement Form
Avoid costly litigation at the hands of disgruntled current or former employees. This binding agreement requires any and all claims that could be directed against your company from current or former employees to be sent to binding arbitration rather than costly and time-consuming litigation.
Employee Review Form
Allows you to prepare a relevant and company/job-specific job review form so that your management personnel can conduct thoughtful, insightful reviews of your employees’ work performances. By providing information to your employees regarding their strengths and weaknesses, you can improve your company's productivity and retain well-trained and properly motivated employees.
Consultant Agreement
If your business needs the expertise of an industry insider but does not want the burden and expense of putting that person on payroll full-time, consider retaining that person as a consultant. This form creates an independent contractor relationship between your company and the consultant with the expertise you desire to tap.
Employment Contract
This agreement, between your business and its employees, establishes an "at-will" employment relationship, sets forth compensation for the employee, provides for non©
The Standard Legal Network, LLC. All rights reserved. disclosure of the employer's business secrets, and contains a non-compete agreement.
Sales Representative Agreement
If your business is in need of a sales force but does not desire (nor can it afford) the hassle, burden, and cost of full-time employee representatives, this agreement may be perfect for your business. This agreement establishes an independent contractor-type relationship with the sales representatives who offer your company’s products to the market.