Land Contact Agreements-CA
Land Contact Agreements-CA
Service Description
- a Land Contract utilizing a down payment with monthly payments thereafter in order to pay the purchase price; - a Land Contract utilizing a down payment, with monthly payments thereafter and then a balloon payment at a later date in order to pay the purchase price; - a Memorandum of Land Contract that can be filed with your local recorders office (when applicable); - a Land Contract for Vacant Land, for property that has no dwelling on it and is undeveloped; - Property Disclosure Forms, many of them state-specific, required for nearly all real estate transactions; - a Termination of Land Contract, used when the purchasing party defaults on the contract as a way to reclaim clear title; - an optional Addendum to Create an Escrow Account, to allow recurring expenses like taxes, insurance or utilities to be placed into escrow to ensure their payment; - a suite of Financial Calculators to determine payment over term, interest, amortization, more.
Cancellation Policy
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Contact Details
#902 6017 Snell Avenue, San Jose, CA, USA